973-762-2200 (The Jacob A. Holle Funeral Home) | 973-762-1133 (Preston Funeral Home)
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Annie posted a condolence
Sunday, January 6, 2013
I want to send my prayers to you. God promises a grand future with our loved ones again. May god be with you.
Carole A. Graves posted a condolence
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Frank Fiorito was a dedicated friend and my vice- president in the Newark Teachers Union.He truly believed in the rights of teachers and all educational workers to organize and bargain collectively.He went to jail for these beliefs.Frank, you fought a good fight,you finished your course,you kept the FAITH...To"little" Frankie and family,sincere condolences,Carole A.Graves,Newark Teachers Union President,1968-1995
Linda A. Duke posted a condolence
Sunday, January 6, 2013
My deepest sympathies to Frank's family. He was an inspiration to so many teachers. His dedication to unionism and his fighting spirit will be sorely missed. Courage, strength and ultimately peace to his family.
Linda A. Duke, AFTR Executive Bd.
nicole alomar posted a condolence
Sunday, January 6, 2013
My deepest sympathies to Frank Jr. and family. May GOD be with you during this difficult time.
Nicole Alomar RN
Maria Barbosa posted a condolence
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Our deepest sympathies, rest in peace Mr. Fiorito.
Once a red raider, always a red raider.
Class of 82
God comfort your family and bless your soul.
973-762-2200 (Jacob A. Holle Funeral Home)
973-762-1133 (Preston Funeral Home)
2122 Millburn Ave | Maplewood, NJ | 07040
153 South Orange Ave. | South Orange NJ | 07079